
S&W Episode 769: Deadbug Says

Happy Jewish Christmas! Dee and Kate chat with Deadbug, host of true crime Youtube channel Deadbug Says, about dreidels, mental hospitals, and ass fucking. California man charged with murder and decapitation of teen son and daughter. Nevada gunman in triple slaying claimed to be comic book villain. Phone calls. Sign up for the Sick and…

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S&W Episode 768: Rock and Roll Alchemist Joe Meek

In the midst of another Covid lockdown, Dee and Kate feel people should use their time constructively by taking amphetamines, conducting seances, and experimenting with sound like legendary British record producer Joe Meek. Mother suspected of locking up her son for 28 years in Sweden. Australian mom allegedly stabbed 100 times, beheaded by ā€˜demonā€™ daughter….

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S&W Episode 767: Cannibal Island

Dee and Kate share a family friendly Thanksgiving tale about Joseph Stalin’s prison island of death or as the locals call it: Cannibal Island. Abhorrent UK man broke into farm and had sex with chickens. Texas man sentenced to life in killings of couple for fake carnival mafia. Dee has joined the dark side and…

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S&W Episode 766: Wearside Jack vs Yorkshire Ripper

The winner of Kate’s accent challenge is revealed and it’s fortunately not Wearside Jack, whose infamous hoax phone call misled the investigation into the Yorkshire Ripper murders. Las Vegas man reportedly sacrificed animals as part of curse on sex workers. DNA evidence catches man who asked five-year-old to watch him defecate in Aberdeen garden. Phone…

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S&W Episode 765: Super-Handicapped Pro Wrestling

Dee and Kate ponder the Japanese obsession with super handicapped pro wrestling, and how it seemingly inspired a series of murders in 1990s Kobeā€¦or did it? Nevada mother kills children for organ money. Virginia gynaecologist faces 465 years in prison for unnecessary surgeries. Phone calls. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to access…

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S&W Episode 764: Mitchell Brothers O’Farrell Theatre

The covid closing of the notorious Mitchell Brothers O’Farrell Theatre prompts Dee and Kate to wax nostalgic about the Golden Age of Porn and how a sexual revolution ended with bloody murder. WI man allegedly beat his sex offender grandfather to death with hammer. LA man in devil mask allegedly killed girlfriend and sister, wore…

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S&W Episode 763: The Entity Haunting

Sick and Wrong Halloween show and launch of S&W 3.0. Dee Simon and the new official cohost debate the legitimacy of spectral rape while recounting the horrifying story of Doris Bither and the Entity Haunting. Bailey Boswell, the girlfriend of Dating App Killer found guilty of murdering Sydney Loofe. Cannibals lured victim to cabin in…

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S&W Episode 762: Beasts of Satan

Dee and guest host Kate Rambo attribute the gruesome murders of Italian death metal band the Beasts of Satan to a malignant melange of Satanism and drugs. Mum tried to kill her adult sons by putting lit disposable barbecues in their bedrooms. Alleged abductor doing CPR on unborn baby when pulled over. Phone calls. Sign…

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S&W Episode 761: Weekly World News

Dee and guest host Christopher discuss the poly scene in British Columbia. Dee chats with Greg D’Alessandro, Editor-In-Chief of the Weekly World News, about his plan to revive the iconic publication. Serial killer fan murdered woman in flat of horrors. Texas man may have worn blackface, fake beard to kill mother of infant daughter. Phone…

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S&W Episode 760: Humanoid Extra Terrestrials Live Among Us

Dee Simon and guest host John Michael chat with Richard Van Steenberg from ET UFO Disclosure about Donald Trump being a humanoid extraterrestrial and the truth behind his Covid-19 diagnosis. Louisiana priest arrested for alleged threesome on church altar. Arkansas pastor arrested for allegedly doing meth with parishioners and exorcising toddler. Phone calls. Sign up…

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