Sick and Wrong Episode 539
While Harrison is on vacation, Dee and special guest host Lance Wackerle discuss the Oakland PD sex scandal. Michael Jackson vs Prince. Unexpected item on the self checkout machine. Notorious Feces stuffer on the loose in NYC. Phone calls. Happy America Day!
Read MoreSick and Wrong Episode 538
Except for the city of London, England is a red state. Does Donald Trump have Alzheimer’s? John Steele rants about Brexit, Terrorism, the Village People, and rape prevention in Fistful of Steele. Phone calls. RIP Bernie Worrell. Help us have Donald Trump tested for the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Sign the petition below and…
Read MoreSick and Wrong Episode 537
Dee and Harrison salute Pornhub, the altruistic porn site, for their new porn for the blind category. S&W reports on news that matters like a kangaroo copulating with a pig in Australia. Hospital worker dies masturbating on the job. Geek squad member obsessed with pop star. Worst Amish father of all time gives daughter away…
Read MoreSick and Wrong Episode 536
Dee promises not to bully Harrison anymore unless he has an ABR (Adult Breastfeeding Relationship). Richard Simmons is allegedly a woman now. Fat Axl Rose fails to threaten the internet. Facebook witches hex swimmer rapist. Hero Florida woman punishes unruly child. Phone calls.
Read MoreSick and Wrong Episode 532
Dee, Harrison, and Harrison’s Twin Sister think the Hyperloop will turn passengers into gelatinous blobs of flesh and hair. More Americans would prefer to have lice than Donald Trump as President. Buy the gun that killed Trayvon Martin. Anal sex with Hugh Hefner is worse than suicide. North Carolina is the new Florida. Phone calls.
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