
S&W Episode 967: The Bunny Man

After their armchair psychoanalysis of Halloween candy givers, Dee and Kate delve into the truth behind the urban legend of The Bunny Man and how a story mutates over time in location, frequency, and severity. The Swede calls in about his spotted dick. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to hear Second Show,…

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S&W Episode 859: Star Children

Dee thinks that Kate should be hypnotically regressed so she can contact her alien hybrid star children. Interview with Barbara Lamb, world-renowned alien encounter therapist and crop circle expert. Tom Jones phones in about a traumatic experience at work. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to hear the Second Show, SW archives, and…

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S&W Episode 815: The Con Artists Behind The Conjuring

In this scandalous Halloween episode, Dee and Kate reveal the rotten truth behind the con artists of the Conjuring Universe: Ed and Lorraine Warren. Listener phones in with a spooky tale of getting spiked at a costume party while dressed as Skeletor. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to hear the Second Show,…

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S&W Episode 779: Dead Bigfoot

For Kate’s big birthday show, Dee and Kate chat with Ro Sahebi, the director of documentary Dead Bigfoot: A True Story about a hunter who claims to have shot and killed Bigfoot. Minnesota man charged with murder and detonating homemade bombs in hospital. NJ corrections officer admits to killing two women at airport. Phone calls….

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S&W Episode 761: Weekly World News

Dee and guest host Christopher discuss the poly scene in British Columbia. Dee chats with Greg D’Alessandro, Editor-In-Chief of the Weekly World News, about his plan to revive the iconic publication. Serial killer fan murdered woman in flat of horrors. Texas man may have worn blackface, fake beard to kill mother of infant daughter. Phone…

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S&W Episode 724: American Monsters

Dee and Harrison chat with author and paranormal researcher Jason Offutt about his book Chasing American Monsters. Mother of two missing children joined doomsday cult and threatened to kill husband. Bridesmaid destroyed best friend’s wedding and cost her 50k pounds in fake job scam. Phone calls. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to…

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