Extreme Religion

S&W Episode 881: Ku Klux Kardashians – Part 2

In part 2, Dee and Kate connect the Kardashian family with the Ku Klux Klan through their financial backing of Pentecostal Klan preachers William Branham and Roy E. Davis. Glasgow Greg calls in about a posh date with the “cripple” and a listener has a run in with a mentally handicapped person. Sign up for…

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S&W Episode 880: Ku Klux Kardashians – Part 1

In part one of this two part series, Dee and Kate investigate the sordid past of the world’s most famous social media influencers – The Kardashians – and their connection to faith healing cults, the Reverend Jim Jones, and ultimately the Ku Klux Klan. The Driver calls in about a forklift injury and Buffalo Bill…

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S&W Episode 863: The Devil Made Him Do It

Dee and Kate kick off Spooktober with the grim and grisly Ossett murder case: was it demonic possession that caused Michael Taylor to kill his wife or a Christian cult that warped his sense of reason? Kate’s Fake Mum rings in to share her erotic royal fetish. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon…

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S&W Episode 862: Cult of David

After driving by the former Shilo Inn, one of the most haunted sites in Utah, Dee’s inspired to research the backstory involving the suicide of a failed prophet and his wife who murdered their children in an act of religious zealotry. The WAD calls in with parenting advice. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong…

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S&W Episode 857: Killdozer Death Machine

Dee fears being run over by a crazed celeb in a Mini Cooper but Kate tells him that pales in comparison to the destruction caused by Shawn Nelson’s stolen Patton tank and Marvin Heemeyer’s Killdozer Death Machine. Buffalo Bill is planning a road trip and Twisted Firestarter has a shitty experience in basic training. Sign…

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S&W Episode 851: World’s Only Holy Ghost Filled Man

Dee admires England for marginalizing religious nutters rather than giving them lifetime appointments on the Supreme Court. Interview with author Bob Hickman who claims to be sexually violated and physically tormented by the Holy Ghost on a daily basis. Mash calls in with a graphic story about an ear injury and Jizzmaster Jake triumphantly returns…

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S&W Episode 830: Super Bowl Serial Killers

Dee feels the best technique to be disinvited from your in-laws’ Super Bowl party is to overshare the graphic details of St Louis Cardinals defensive end Robert Rozier’s violent crimes committed on the order of black supremacist cult, the Nation of Yahweh. Listener calls in with a nightmarish story about edibles and machetes. Sign up…

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S&W Episode 813: Nazi Camelot

Dee and Kate reveal the secrets of Himmler’s Nazi Camelot where the deaths of millions were plotted by a round table of maniacal black-clad SS knights. Listeners call in with stories of alternative Covid vaccines and roman showers. Dee and Kate launch Sick and Wrong Second Show on Patreon with a major announcement. Sign up…

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S&W Episode 803: Charles Manson, Son of Sam, and the Process Church

The anniversary of the Manson Family murders leads Dee and Kate to examine the connection between Charles Manson, the Son of Sam, and a Satanic cult known as the Process Church of the Final Judgement. Listener has an emotionally moving story about a dead crackhead and another listener calls in with a tragic story about…

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S&W Episode 802: The Drunken Glory of God

Dee tries an all-natural MDMA alternative and discovers that it pales in comparison to the drunken glory of God after speaking with Brandon Barthrop from Red Letter Ministries. Listener calls in to remind Dee how old he is by listing major events in 2006 that coincided with the launch of this podcraft. Sign up for…

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