
S&W Episode 888: Death of the Motown Prince

Reeling from the recent passing of Diana Ross, Dee and Kate delve into the tragic side of Motown, particularly, the traumatic life and brutal death of Marvin Gaye. Listener calls in with a creepy story about a rapey ghost named Ian. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to hear the Second Show, SW…

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S&W Episode 797: Lethal Lesbians

To wrap up Pride Month, Dee and Kate present two tales of lethal lesbians: the first attempted to murder icon Andy Warhol and the second involves two Michigan nurses with a sordid secret. Teen allegedly killed by dad over fetish photos didn’t want to visit him. Oregon man wanted for killing three people forced random…

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S&W Episode 793: Hermit Hoarders of Harlem

Dee’s concerned that vaccine incentives will only encourage obsessive hoarders like Kate and he uses this opportunity to warn her by telling the story of the infamous Collyer brothers, known as the hermit hoarders of Harlem. Two Louisiana men accused of beating woman’s alleged rapist, then killing her. Director Babak Khorramdin killed and dismembered by…

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