Gross Medical Story

S&W Episode 892: Amputee Wannabes

While Kate is gutted over the death of legendary talk show host Jerry Springer, Dee only wants to chat about transabled people who are obsessed with having their healthy limbs amputated. Twisted Firestarter calls in about not getting laid for four years and the Driver shares some stories of the various objects emergency room doctors…

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S&W Episode 853: The Blood Who Shot Ricky

Kate finally came down with the Covid. This week your hosts watched the iconic 90s film Boyz n the Hood to research the insane Hollywood story of Lloyd Avery II who played the Blood who shot Doughboy’s brother Ricky in the film. Glasgow Greg calls in about an intimate encounter with his wife and Ted…

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S&W Episode 844: Silence of the Lambs

Dee and Kate’s recent visit to Pasadena inspired them to research the ghoulish crimes of mortician David Wayne Sconce who turned his family’s funeral home into a nightmare cremation factory. The Swede calls in about a horrific workplace injury and Tom Jones phones in a story involving MDMA and a woman who looked like Hagrid….

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S&W Episode 841: Dungeons and Discrimination

After researching Varg Vikernes’ MYFAROG, Dee and Kate discover that fantasy RPGs are infused with regressive stereotypes about sex, race and power, starting from the OG Dungeons & Dragons to the oft-maligned F.A.T.A.L. Listener inquires about Dee’s upcoming colonoscopy. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to hear the Second Show and bonus minisode…

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S&W Episode 838: Dolphins, Drugs, and Handjobs

Dee’s attempt to market the podcraft at his friend’s wedding spectacularly backfires when he lets everyone know that this week’s episode is about Dr. John Lilly who gave LSD to dolphins while teaching them English and his lab assistant who gave them handjobs. Adam from Tokyo calls in about a horrific foot injury and Buffalo…

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S&W Episode 831: It’s a Sausage Party Starring Sada Abe

Kate’s birthday show is a severed sausage party where she gleefully recounts the tale of the murderous geisha Sada Abe who erotically asphyxiated her lover and then cut off his penis and testicles as souvenirs. Listener calls in with Valentine’s Day story about a crack ninja and another listener has a torrid tale of two…

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S&W Episode 819: Wipe It Till It Bleeds

Dee’s experience with post-Thanksgiving gastrointestinal distress leads him to give thanks for the invention of toilet paper and share its taboo and hygienic history with the listening audience. Christina calls in about a strange request from her Buddhist boyfriend which led to the discovery of her BPD. RIP Hank Von Hell.

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S&W Episode 816: Firefighter Psychic Medium

Kate Rambo receives a 10% off coupon to to commemorate her one-year anniversary as cohost of this fine podcraft. Dee interviews Andrew “Raz” Radziewicz, an FDNY firefighter and psychic medium who regularly makes contact with extraterrestrials and ghosts, including President Abraham Lincoln. Listeners phone in with belated spooky Halloween stories. Sign up for the…

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S&W Episode 809: Mark “Chopper” Read

During Kate’s 9-day paid Covid holiday bender, she watched the 2000 film Chopper which inspired her to tell the tale of Australia’s most notorious toe-cutting psychopath. Kate’s fake mum rings in with a warm and fuzzy nursing nightmare. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to access bonus news stories, phone calls, and outtakes.

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