
S&W Episode 846: Russian Doll Man

Dee relives the horror of Kate’s wanton desecration of celebrity graves at a Los Angeles cemetery but she pales in comparison to Russian necropolist Anatoly Moskvin and his special doll collection. Listener calls in about his first experience with LSD at a Grateful Dead concert. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to hear…

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S&W Episode 793: Hermit Hoarders of Harlem

Dee’s concerned that vaccine incentives will only encourage obsessive hoarders like Kate and he uses this opportunity to warn her by telling the story of the infamous Collyer brothers, known as the hermit hoarders of Harlem. Two Louisiana men accused of beating woman’s alleged rapist, then killing her. Director Babak Khorramdin killed and dismembered by…

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S&W Episode 792: Illinois Enema Bandit

This isn’t a shit show but it is a SHIT show as Dee tells Kate the story of Michael H. Kenyon, the Enema Bandit, who picked butt only the tastiest ladies of Illinois and chose to cleanse their colons in watery ways. Florida woman allegedly crashes children’s birthday party, rapes teen. Sydney hoarder killed man…

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