
S&W Episode 984: Rainbow Man

What’s more annoying than sports? Sports fans. Dee and Kate share the story of Rock’n Rollen Stewart who wore a rainbow wig while holding up JOHN 3:16 signs at sporting events and who was later sentenced to three consecutive life sentences for stink bomb attacks, kidnapping and hostage taking. Scottish-German listener calls in for some…

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S&W Episode 959: Claude Dunand Horror House

A recent social media post by Nico Claux inspired Dee and Kate to watch the French horror film Martyrs which is loosely based on Claude and Monique Dunand’s sadistic house of horror. Glasgow Greg composes a new theme song for the show and Kevin has been taking a few too many mushrooms. Sign up for…

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S&W Episode 865: Romeo and Juliet of Perth

Dee and Kate continue the Spooktober listener contest by discussing killer Aussie couple David and Catherine Birnie and the film that was inspired by their insatiable bloodlust. Tom Jones rings in with a story about almost killing the Queen. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to hear the Second Show, SW archives, and…

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S&W Episode 858: Lunch is Served on the Patio with Roasted Child

After learning that the facebook overlords might delete Kate’s account for posting CP, Dee draws several key comparisons between her and morbidly obese child murderer and suspected cannibal, Nathaniel Bar Jonah. Epic Farter phones in about his recent sexcapades. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to hear the Second Show, SW archives, and…

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S&W Episode 855: Madam Mayhem

Dee and Kate share the salacious story that gripped the British tabloids in the 1970s of former Miss Wyoming Joyce McKinney who chained a Mormon missionary to a bed for three days and raped him repeatedly. The WAD calls in to catch up. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to hear the Second…

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S&W Episode 849: Highway of Death

While Dee suffers anxiety from his impending colonoscopy, Kate lets him know that it could be much worse: he could be a migrant traveling with his family on Mexico’s Highway of Death. Glasgow Greg shares a curious dream involving his dog and a hobo and a longtime listener calls in with a story about an…

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S&W Episode 837: Nightmare in Chowchilla

The recent parole of Frederick Newhall Woods inspires Dee and Kate to share the story of the infamous Chowchilla bus kidnapping where 26 children were buried alive. Borderline Christina calls in with her defense of cannibalism. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to hear the Second Show, Overkill, and S&W Weekly Nooozzz.

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S&W Episode 821: Real Life Buffalo Bill

While Kate suffers from a seasonal sickness, Dee lets her know it could be much worse; she could be held captive in the basement pit of real-life Buffalo Bill, Gary Heidnik. Listener calls in with some Thanksgiving drama and celebrity martial artist Jean Claude Van Damme teaches us how to swear in Swedish. Sign up…

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S&W Episode 799: The Meticulous Killer

Dee’s concerned that his sexually deviant cat might turn into the next Israel Keyes, a meticulous serial killer, who deposited murder kits around the country so that he could hunt, rape, and kill by whim. Peacock killed in California after resident posted Craigslist ad seeking its elimination. Woman accused of plowing through ex boyfriend’s funeral…

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S&W Episode 797: Lethal Lesbians

To wrap up Pride Month, Dee and Kate present two tales of lethal lesbians: the first attempted to murder icon Andy Warhol and the second involves two Michigan nurses with a sordid secret. Teen allegedly killed by dad over fetish photos didn’t want to visit him. Oregon man wanted for killing three people forced random…

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