Mad Science

S&W Episode 951: Pray the Gay Away

Dee and Kate discuss the origin of conversion therapy and how it became monetized and rebranded by evangelical Christians who use techniques such as hypnosis, counseling, exorcisms, and arousal reconditioning in their attempts to pray the gay away. Hot Liz Short calls in to complain about motherhood. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon…

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S&W Episode 946: Fear of Death

Why would anyone want to live forever? Dee and Kate attempt to answer that question by delving into the Church of Perpetual life whose followers believe technology will advance to the point where death is rather optional. Glasgow Greg goes to the pokey and a listener is disappointed with Wackerle. Sign up for the Sick…

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S&W Episode 916: Till Death Do Us Part?

As Dee and Kate celebrate their two year anniversary this weekend, Dee’s inspired by the story of mad doctor Carl Tanzler who kept his love alive long after death. Adam from Tokyo pours gasoline on the flame war with the Swede and Glasgow Greg calls in to join the melee. Sign up for the Sick…

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S&W Episode 903: Dr Wilhelm Reich and his Sex Machine – Part 2

In Part 2, Dee and Kate examine Dr Wilhelm Reich’s orgone accumulator and how the censorship he faced in the United States – the “land of the free” – brought on his eventual descent into madness. Listener calls in about a date with a big girl he met on Bumble. Sign up for the Sick…

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S&W Episode 902: Dr Wilhelm Reich and his Sex Machine – Part 1

In Part 1, Dee and Kate discuss the origin of one of the more prescient thinkers of the 20th century, Dr Wilhelm Reich, who believed that humanity could be cured through harnessing the power of the sexual orgasm. Longtime listener calls in to inform Dee about having a vasectomy and Buffalo Bill phones in with…

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S&W Episode 900: The Dolphin Lover Redux

To celebrate this milestone episode, Dee and Kate invite former guest and author Malcom J Brenner back on the show to chat about his sexual relationship with a dolphin named Dolly and his experience with orgone energy accumulators. Several longtime listeners call into the show to offer congratulations. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong…

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S&W Episode 838: Dolphins, Drugs, and Handjobs

Dee’s attempt to market the podcraft at his friend’s wedding spectacularly backfires when he lets everyone know that this week’s episode is about Dr. John Lilly who gave LSD to dolphins while teaching them English and his lab assistant who gave them handjobs. Adam from Tokyo calls in about a horrific foot injury and Buffalo…

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S&W Episode 816: Firefighter Psychic Medium

Kate Rambo receives a 10% off coupon to to commemorate her one-year anniversary as cohost of this fine podcraft. Dee interviews Andrew “Raz” Radziewicz, an FDNY firefighter and psychic medium who regularly makes contact with extraterrestrials and ghosts, including President Abraham Lincoln. Listeners phone in with belated spooky Halloween stories. Sign up for the…

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S&W Episode 781: Nude LSD Therapy

Project MK Ultra seems like a stay at a 5-star hotel when compared to Canada’s Oak Ridge Asylum where doctors conducted LSD-driven, nude psychotherapy sessions with criminal psychopaths. Indian man killed by his own rooster in cockfight. Jealous ex-boyfriend commits murder-suicide in Ohio. Phone calls. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to access…

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S&W Episode 768: Rock and Roll Alchemist Joe Meek

In the midst of another Covid lockdown, Dee and Kate feel people should use their time constructively by taking amphetamines, conducting seances, and experimenting with sound like legendary British record producer Joe Meek. Mother suspected of locking up her son for 28 years in Sweden. Australian mom allegedly stabbed 100 times, beheaded by ‘demon’ daughter….

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