
S&W Episode 905: All Eyez on Me

The Las Vegas police reopening the investigation into Tupac Skakur’s murder lead Dee and Kate to dissect the bizarre conspiracy theories surrounding his untimely death. Siege calls in with story about a foiled robbery and Cody calls in to share the graphic details of her husband’s vasectomy. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon…

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S&W Episode 899: Let’s Lynch the Landlord

Inspired by the Netflix show ‘Worst Roommate Ever,’ Dee and Kate provide an instructional guide on how to be a serial squatter and never pay rent again. Tommy calls in with a twist on the judgmental people watching game and Epic Farther phones in about the untimely death of his stuttering coworker. Sign up for…

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S&W Episode 853: The Blood Who Shot Ricky

Kate finally came down with the Covid. This week your hosts watched the iconic 90s film Boyz n the Hood to research the insane Hollywood story of Lloyd Avery II who played the Blood who shot Doughboy’s brother Ricky in the film. Glasgow Greg calls in about an intimate encounter with his wife and Ted…

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S&W Episode 849: Highway of Death

While Dee suffers anxiety from his impending colonoscopy, Kate lets him know that it could be much worse: he could be a migrant traveling with his family on Mexico’s Highway of Death. Glasgow Greg shares a curious dream involving his dog and a hobo and a longtime listener calls in with a story about an…

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S&W Episode 843: Dog Crate Prison Break

After reading about correctional officer Vicky White helping inmate Casey White escape from prison, Dee wonders if Kate would do the same. Interview with author Toby Dorr who helped inmate and lover John Manard escape from a Kansas prison in a dog crate. Aussie cop calls in about a recent suicide. Sign up for the…

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S&W Episode 820: Death Row – The Final Minutes

Dee and Kate chat with former journalist Michelle Lyons about her memoir Death Row: The Final Minutes where she witnessed and reported on 300 executions by the state of Texas. Stuart calls in with a harrowing tale about his cross dressing father coming out to his intoxicated uncle and Mash shares an equally harrowing tale about…

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S&W Episode 818: Gangs Wear Badges in Los Angeles

Inspired by the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, Dee decides to launch a nonprofit with the goal of arming the teens of Wisconsin. Your hosts delve into the history behind the ruthless deputy gangs of LA county and highlight several active police gangs still menacing the community. Listener calls in with a story of crackhead karma. Sign…

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