Serial Killer Couple

S&W Episode 959: Claude Dunand Horror House

A recent social media post by Nico Claux inspired Dee and Kate to watch the French horror film Martyrs which is loosely based on Claude and Monique Dunand’s sadistic house of horror. Glasgow Greg composes a new theme song for the show and Kevin has been taking a few too many mushrooms. Sign up for…

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S&W Episode 891: The Love Slave Killers

Dee and Kate think Coachella would be a prime hunting ground for serial killer couple Gerald and Charlene Gallego whose bloody and brutal rampage of kidnapping, rape, and murder spanned three states and claimed eleven lives between 1978 and 1980. Epic Farter calls in about his new tire kicker and Youtube addict discovers the podcast…

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S&W Episode 865: Romeo and Juliet of Perth

Dee and Kate continue the Spooktober listener contest by discussing killer Aussie couple David and Catherine Birnie and the film that was inspired by their insatiable bloodlust. Tom Jones rings in with a story about almost killing the Queen. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to hear the Second Show, SW archives, and…

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S&W Episode 797: Lethal Lesbians

To wrap up Pride Month, Dee and Kate present two tales of lethal lesbians: the first attempted to murder icon Andy Warhol and the second involves two Michigan nurses with a sordid secret. Teen allegedly killed by dad over fetish photos didn’t want to visit him. Oregon man wanted for killing three people forced random…

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S&W Episode 763: The Entity Haunting

Sick and Wrong Halloween show and launch of S&W 3.0. Dee Simon and the new official cohost debate the legitimacy of spectral rape while recounting the horrifying story of Doris Bither and the Entity Haunting. Bailey Boswell, the girlfriend of Dating App Killer found guilty of murdering Sydney Loofe. Cannibals lured victim to cabin in…

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S&W Episode 759: The Moors Murders

Dee and special guest host Kate Rambo recount the grisly story behind Britain’s most hated serial killer couple Ian Brady and Myra Hindley. Joel Guy Jr. on trial for killing and dismembering his parents after Thanksgiving dinner. NH man kills wife’s lover and demands she decapitates him. Phone calls. Sign up for the Sick and…

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