
S&W Episode 967: The Bunny Man

After their armchair psychoanalysis of Halloween candy givers, Dee and Kate delve into the truth behind the urban legend of The Bunny Man and how a story mutates over...

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S&W Episode 966: Ant-Walkers of Hiroshima

To kick off Spooktober, Kate tells Dee about the Ant Walkers of Hiroshima and how mankind created something much more terrifying than any ghost story. Big Poppa Smurf calls...

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S&W Episode 965: Lucifer Everylove

Dee and Kate chat with independent presidential candidate Lucifer Everylove about Occupy Wall Street, near death experiences, and the reason all politicians should be required to attend Burning Man...

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S&W Episode 964: Master of Disguise

The recent pager explosions in Lebanon led Dee down a rabbit hole researching two bizarre CIA covert operations involving acclaimed Hollywood prosthetic makeup expert John Chambers. Caller phones in...

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S&W Episode 963: Mukbang Me, Baby!

Gluttony and greed are considered to be negative qualities unless you’re a Mukbanger. Dee and Kate expose the dark side of this youtube phenomenon by covering the breaking news...

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S&W Episode 962: The Confederados of Brazil

Dee’s looking forward to a potential civil war if Trump loses the election and hopes that his loyalists will expatriate to another country and establish a MAGA colony there...

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S&W Episode 961: helLA: Pink Pussycats, Studs & Blood

Queen of Melbourne Burly-Q, Celia Bow, joins us to discuss getting naked, the history of sleaze on Santa Monica Blvd, and how the Pink Pussycat theater turned skinema into...

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S&W Episode 960: The Heart IS Deceitful Above All Things

The comedic drama American Fiction prompts Dee and Kate to chat about one of the greatest literary hoaxes of all time involving AIDs, Asia Argento, and a cross dressing...

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S&W Episode 959: Claude Dunand Horror House

A recent social media post by Nico Claux inspired Dee and Kate to watch the French horror film Martyrs which is loosely based on Claude and Monique Dunand’s sadistic...

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S&W Episode 958 – helLA: California Bleedin’

Dee and Kate commemorate the 55th anniversary of the Manson Family murders by discussing Charlie’s connections to the music industry in particular his relationship with John Phillips, a man...

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