james gunn

S&W Episode 834: Uncle Lloyd Kaufman

Kate’s in Hollywood searching for stars and her wet dreams come true when she and Dee chat with writer and director Lloyd Kaufman about the upcoming Toxic Avenger reboot and his new film Shakespeare’s Shitstorm. Vibrato the human vibrator calls in about Hanukkah. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to hear the Second…

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S&W Episode 644: The Elsagate Conspiracy

Dee and Harrison unravel the kiddie MK ultra internet conspiracy widely known as Elsagate. Florida man with ridiculous name accidentally murders roommate. Another Florida man stages his own homicide using a weather balloon. Phone calls. RIP Jon Schnepp. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to access bonus news stories, phone calls, and outtakes….

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