peter dinklage

S&W Episode 954: My Podcast About Herve

Dee’s recent discovery that a Hungarian circus dwarf played Alf leads him to explore the tragic, tormented, and scandalous life of his favorite dwarf actor Hervé Villechaize. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to hear Second Show, SW archives, and the bonus minisode Serial Killer Star Signs.

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S&W Episode 834: Uncle Lloyd Kaufman

Kate’s in Hollywood searching for stars and her wet dreams come true when she and Dee chat with writer and director Lloyd Kaufman about the upcoming Toxic Avenger reboot and his new film Shakespeare’s Shitstorm. Vibrato the human vibrator calls in about Hanukkah. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to hear the Second…

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S&W Episode 754: The Terror of Tiny Town

Inspired by a musical western featuring an all dwarf cast, Dee pitches an idea to guest host Lee Gadsby that could jumpstart his writing career. Incest mom, 64, and son, 43, are caught having sex by the son’s wife. Sheep farmer placed metal shards inside jars of baby food at Tesco. Phone calls. Sign up…

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