the vatican

S&W Episode 762: Beasts of Satan

Dee and guest host Kate Rambo attribute the gruesome murders of Italian death metal band the Beasts of Satan to a malignant melange of Satanism and drugs. Mum tried to kill her adult sons by putting lit disposable barbecues in their bedrooms. Alleged abductor doing CPR on unborn baby when pulled over. Phone calls. Sign…

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S&W Episode 744: The Real Treasure is Friendship

While Dee hunts for the perfect apartment in Los Angeles, Harrison recounts his treasure-hunting expedition in the mysterious French village of Rennes Le Chateau. UK woman who had sex with three dogs claimed she didn’t know it was illegal. Man charged with killing his neighbor at her home used a box to hide his rifle….

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S&W Episode 683: The Legend of Pope Joan

Speculation on the burning of Notre Dame leads Dee and Harrison into a discussion about apocryphal anathema – namely, the first and only female pope, commonly referred to as Pope Joan. Randy Arizona couple blackmails Mexican day laborer. Russian Houdini fails to escape his handcuffs. Phone calls. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon…

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