true crime

S&W Episode 891: The Love Slave Killers

Dee and Kate think Coachella would be a prime hunting ground for serial killer couple Gerald and Charlene Gallego whose bloody and brutal rampage of kidnapping, rape, and murder spanned three states and claimed eleven lives between 1978 and 1980. Epic Farter calls in about his new tire kicker and Youtube addict discovers the podcast…

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S&W Episode 889: The Mad Sculptor

Dee and Kate celebrate Zombie Jesus Day with the grisly tale of Robert George Irwin an American sculptor who violently murdered three people on a Easter weekend in New York City in 1937. Boner villains calls to profess his love for Dee and Texican Kush phones in about a drunken weekend in South Padre Island….

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S&W Episode 888: Death of the Motown Prince

Reeling from the recent passing of Diana Ross, Dee and Kate delve into the tragic side of Motown, particularly, the traumatic life and brutal death of Marvin Gaye. Listener calls in with a creepy story about a rapey ghost named Ian. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to hear the Second Show, SW…

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S&W Episode 886: Hitler’s James Bond

An awkward encounter with an antisemitic cab driver inspired Dee and Kate to look into the exciting and dangerous life of Hitler’s dashing super spy: Otto Skorzeny. Lucas calls in about the deaths of several coworkers and the Swede will never drive while tripping balls again. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to…

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S&W Episode 883: Elsagate Strikes Back

After being unjustly shadowbanned by the IG overlords, Dee rails against the hypocrisy of the social media giants by revealing the return of Elsagate and secret dark web content hosted on their platforms that directly violate their so-called community guidelines. Epic Farter phones in for advice on how to avoid the friendzone and Texarkana Kush…

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S&W Episode 877: The Vampire Princess

Dee and Kate return from Paris with a macabre tale of the glass-coffined ‘Vampire Princess’ of Pere Lachaise Cemetery who had an eerie final wish for a living companion within her tomb. Tim is a bit perplexed by the small penis contests of Mid-Michigan and FM is too busy adulting to spend time on the…

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S&W Episode 870: Bishops and Buttplugs

In the wake of a scandal that’s rocking the chess world, Dee and Kate discuss the various methods used to cheat at the game throughout history. Twisted Firestarter shares his recent struggle and Suicide Show Bob is no longer suicidal. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to hear the Second Show, SW archives,…

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S&W Episode 866: I Walked With a Zombie

Kate arrives in Los Angeles just in time for Dee to challenge her notion of the living dead with the peculiar case of real life Haitian zombie, Clairvius Narcisse. Atheist Preacher phones in with a macabre story involving an obese corpse, a soiled pair of boots, and a pragmatic father. Sign up for the Sick…

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S&W Episode 865: Romeo and Juliet of Perth

Dee and Kate continue the Spooktober listener contest by discussing killer Aussie couple David and Catherine Birnie and the film that was inspired by their insatiable bloodlust. Tom Jones rings in with a story about almost killing the Queen. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to hear the Second Show, SW archives, and…

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S&W Episode 861: Pearl Necklace

Rather than queue for 22 hours to pay her respects to the queen, Kate prefers to spend her free time arguing with pro-lifers on Instagram. Dee chats with artist Amanda Booth who makes custom “jizzy jewelry” using semen. Listener phones in to prove that not all male nurses are homosexuals. Sign up for the Sick…

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